Gibson Area Food Pantry

About Us
The Gibson Area Food Pantry is a not-for-profit organization committed to providing food and other household items to those in need in Ford County and the Gibson City-Melvin-Sibley school district.

The Gibson Area Food Pantry would not exist if not for the outpouring of financial and volunteer support provided by area churches, civic organizations, Gibson Area Hospital, GCMS school district, local businesses, and individual donors.
Gibson Area Food Pantry Services
​Bi-Monthly Distributions:
When: The second and fourth Saturdays of each month
Time: 8:00 am to 12:00 pm
Where: 619 E First Street, Gibson City, IL 60936
When: Second Saturday each month
Who qualifies: Delivery service is reserved for those who are elderly, disabled, or otherwise unable to get to the pantry.
For more information: Contact Tim Ricks at Prescreening is required.
A preferred alternative to home deliveries is to enlist a "proxy" to pick up the food. Click here to view the proxy form.
Summer Backpack Program:
Begins first week in June and ends second Wednesday in August.
Ford County families with children 18 and younger qualify.
One backpack per week or two backpacks for families of 5 or more.
Pickup at Moyer District Library (618 S Sangamon Avenue, Gibson City, IL) .

Contact info
Reach out with any questions or concerns.
We want to help!
(217) 771 - 4100